A Quick “Foggy Bottom” Update

Dave Ditullio and I have been hard at work creating new material for “Foggy Bottom” as well as perfecting characters we’d like to play a major role in the cartoon. I’ve actually reached out to my fellow U.S. Navy Chiefs and the overwhelming response to our latest character, ‘Chief’ has been extremely positive.

Chief Updated lo res

We’ll be reaching out to more of our Navy friends, family and professional associations and see their reaction. To date, hundreds of Navy Chiefs are excited to see it – we hope not to disappoint! ‘Chief’ and his “Foggy Bottom” gang will be available for weekly newspapers through Bill Kellogg’s Ink Bottle Syndicate – be sure to ask for it in your local weekly newspapers!

The Yang to ‘Chief’s’ Ying is another of our latest characters, ‘Sarge’. We gave him a ‘flat-top’, an appropriate rank tattoo on his right arm, the ever-bubbling cigar, and colors suitable to an Army-related character.

Sarge lo res

Dave, on the other hand, will be showing ‘Sarge’ around to his fellow Army servicemen and women for their feedback. Again, the response has been very positive. We look forward to hearing your feedback, and if you like it, let us and our syndicate, Ink Bottle Syndicate and its Marketing Director, Bill Kellogg know!

About billabbottcartoons

Published, licensed humorous artist. My work has appeared in publications such as the Wall Street Journal, Reader's Digest, Harvard Business Review, Medical Economics, American Fitness, Long Island Business Journal, Illinois Busness Journal, and many more. Additionally, my work has been published in greeting cards by various companies around the world including Hallmark UK..
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2 Responses to A Quick “Foggy Bottom” Update

  1. icetealover2 says:

    too funny! I really enjoy the cartoons you post on your blog, they are humorous and offer a peek inside us all and into what’s going on in the world. Love the work you do. And that is why I am nominating you for the Liebster Award for blogging.
    The award is for the best of bloggers who have 200 followers or less.
    Here are the rules:
    1. Create a link back to the person who nominated you.
    2. Nominate other bloggers who have 200 or less followers.
    3. Answer the questions given to you.
    4. Create another set of questions for the nominees to answer.
    5. You have notify the bloggers you that you have nominated them.

    Ok, here are the questions I answered from another blogger:
    1. What is my dream job? Writing and get paid to do so!
    2. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? Australia
    3. What is my favorite book? anything by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. and Cross Creek by Marjorie Kennan Rawlings.
    4. What is my all time favorite food? Hmm.. Italian!
    5. If you could have any Superhero power, what would it be? The ability to fly.
    6. What would you do with said power? Travel the world.
    7. What is something you feel you excel at? Engaging people in conversation and writing.
    8. What is your favorite outfit? jeans and long sleeve shirt
    9.You are planning the perfect date, what is it? Carriage ride, outdoor dinner, dancing under the stars
    10. Choose one word that describes you. Talkative!

    Now here are the questions I have for you:
    1. Name a person you admire, living or deceased.
    2. What’s your favorite color?
    3. Do you have a hobby?
    4. How do you spend your free time?
    5. Favorite dessert
    6. Your dream house would be _________
    7. Is there a goal you still want to achieve?
    8. Cartoon character you liked from your childhood.
    9. Who is your favorite singer?
    10. Fantasy vacation would be a trip to …..
    This a way to get know one another and have fun too! Enjoy!


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