New Yorker Cartoonists

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It’s no secret that I’m a bit in awe of the massively talented collection of cartoonists who create work for the New Yorker magazine. Recently, I’ve begun creating work targeting the New Yorker and Harvard Business Review-type markets, submitting faithfully weekly and monthly (nothing in New Yorker yet, and just sold my first to Harvard Business Review). I’ve mentioned a few times the names of such brilliant cartoon artists as Mischa Richter and Mort Gerberg (both of whom have written books on creating cartoons – must haves if you’re an aspiring cartoonist), but there are others who deserve attention. Leo Cullum is another brilliant creator, recently passed away, and much missed in the cartooning world.

Fortunately, some of these cartoonists have given talks on their art and the process of creating cartoons. Here’s New Yorker cartoonist Dave Sipress – you’ll enjoy this:

This is Matt Diffee, another of the massively talented scribblers at the New Yorker - he is positively brilliant. Listen carefully to his advice on writing cartoons – the best I’ve heard:

I hope you enjoy these videos as much as I did, and if you’re serious about becoming or improving yourself as a cartoonist, I’d take notes. Lots and lots of notes.

About billabbottcartoons

Published, licensed humorous artist. My work has appeared in publications such as the Wall Street Journal, Reader's Digest, Harvard Business Review, Medical Economics, American Fitness, Long Island Business Journal, Illinois Busness Journal, and many more. Additionally, my work has been published in greeting cards by various companies around the world including Hallmark UK..
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