Hot Off the Presses – The First “Spectickles” Cartoon Book

Want to know something super cool? Of course you do. My very first book is on sale now through Willow Creek Press. If you’re seen walking with it, people will think you’re very smart. Click on the image below to be taken to a magical place where you too can own this book. It may be delivered via unicorn – not sure.

"Spectickles" Cartoon Collection, Volume I
“Spectickles” Cartoon Collection, Volume I

2 thoughts on “Hot Off the Presses – The First “Spectickles” Cartoon Book

  1. Congratulations on the book and the graduation of your son from high school. Really good stuff! I love your cartoons. Even better, I like the story that brought you to becoming a cartoonist. From early high school, I would draw cartoons, but I never did more than a brief year cartooning for a local town paper. I always got overwhelmed with captions of cartoon dialog. I was also intimidated by people who can cartoon as well as you. Four years agao, I ran into the work of Hugh Macleod. Again, his simple, yet very involved drawing left me thinking that I could never do this. If you ever release an autobiography, please let me know. Thanks. BTW – I just ordered your book. Best wishes, Greg


    1. Thank you so much Greg – and never give up if cartooning is what you want to do. There’s lots and lots of people that are more talented than I am, but perseverance always wins the day!


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