Big News – The Very First “Spectickles” Book!

Just a brief note to let you know that this year will see the release of the first “Spectickles” collection of cartoons in book form. All the material has been sent to the publisher, the formatting is in process, and we’re down to one very big decision – the cover.

This is where I could very much use your help. Between me, my family, my syndicate and my publisher, we’ve narrowed it down to three cartoons. I’d love to hear some feedback on which one you’d like to see as the cover.

Without further ado, they are:

Cartoon number 1
Cartoon number 1


Cartoon number 2
Cartoon number 2


Cartoon number 3
Cartoon number 3


Feel free to email me at or connect with me on Facebook to let me know your thoughts and hear your feedback here:

Time is limited, so let me know!


3 thoughts on “Big News – The Very First “Spectickles” Book!

  1. I really like the first one. Although #2 was funny as well, the first cartoon was immediately understandable and in my opinion would be great for a cover. Funny!
    (To broaden the sample size, my dad also liked #1 followed by #2, and my mom liked #1 :)


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